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5 Myths Debunked About Celebrating 420

The term 420 refers to cannabis culture and the consumption of cannabis, signifying either the time (4:20 pm) and/or the date (4/20) to celebrate the plant. 420 is also a widely known term that implies social acceptance of cannabis use or lifestyle.

Since its inception, 420 has become a widely celebrated holiday on April 20th. In the days of counterculture protests, the celebration hoped to inspire many to advocate for legalization and reform, educate, normalize use, and celebrate cannabis culture. However, over the years, there have been quite a few myths about the celebration of 420. With the annual cannabis celebration coming up, here are 5 myths that have been debunked about celebrating 420.

Myth: 420 Was Established to Honor Adolf Hitler’s Birthday

Debunked: There is no connection between Adolf Hitler and 4/20 other than it’s the day of his birth. Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889, but other than an unfortunate coincidence of date, Hitler had no involvement whatsoever with the creation of the phrase or cannabis holiday it came to represent.

Myth: April 20th is the Best Day to Plant Cannabis

Debunked: Many cannabis growers choose to plant their crop in the spring for an autumn harvest, there is absolutely no evidence that suggests that planting crops on this particular date will have any effect on the potency or health of the plants.

Myth: There are 420 Chemicals in Cannabis

Debunked: Another common myth is that 420 refers to the number of active chemicals found in cannabis, including CBD and THC. However, this theory is incorrect as more than 500 chemicals and counting thus far have been discovered in cannabis.

Myth: 420 is the Day Bob Marley Died

Debunked: It is completely unclear where this myth came from but it holds absolutely no truth. Bob Marley, the legendary reggae singer, actually died on May 11, 1981.

Myth: Bob Dylan Invented 420 in a Song

A lesser-known theory about 420 refers to the Bob Dylan song “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35″. The song contains the lyrics “Everybody must get stoned,” referring to smoking marijuana. Another theory points out that the numbers 12 and 35 multiplied together equals 420. Again, these theories have zero evidence to suggest they are true but it’s entertaining to think about. 

Celebrating 420 in Maryland With Dispensary Works

Create your own 420 stories with a medical card and visit our location.

Dispensary Works is a Southern Maryland medical marijuana provider committed to providing the best cannabis product to patients as part of their overall health program.

Our highly trained staff is here to help you select the best cannabis for your particular needs. If you would like to learn more about who we are and what we do, contact us today!

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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