(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd, White Plains, MD

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Big News! The Best Dispensary Near Me is Open Late!

My quest to find a marijuana dispensary near me open late pleasantly surprised me with an exceptional customer service experience!

How to Find the Best Dispensary

Let me paint a picture for you, I have three cannabis retail stores in my area.

Admittedly, I am big on customer service. I like to feel that the service I am seeking is being handled by people who care about my experience in their shop.

When selecting my favorite cannabis store there were a few things I looked for, which I identify below.

What to Look for in a Dispensary

  1. Patience: Only the best dispensaries understand that a new patron may not always know what they want or need.
  2. Education: I always look for a staff who is educated about the different strains and delivery options so that they can suggest different new options for me.
  3. Kindness: It goes without saying that everyone wants a pleasant customer service experience where the staff is friendly and helpful.
  4. Passion: A hardworking employee always makes such a good impression and it is refreshing to find a team that is passionate about their goods and helping people.
  5. Salesmanship: While no one wants to feel like they are being swindled, there is something to be said about a confident salesperson and they can help you feel more confident about your purchases.

Bonus: The Best Dispensary Near Me is Open Late

After careful consideration, I decided that Dispensary Works is without a doubt the best dispensary in my area.

And as an added bonus, they are open late which is so convenient with my busy schedule.

(I’ll post the hours below!)

Monday thru Saturday 9am-10pm

Sunday 12pm – 6pm

At Dispensary Works the customer service was incredible and I was so pleased with my experience there (and with my purchases!)

I highly recommend this dispensary for anyone looking for the top products, from a dedicated and passionate staff.

Don’t take my word for it, visit Dispensary Works today!

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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