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Can Cannabis Help Patients With Autism and Anxiety?

Medical Marijuana Maryland

Until recently, pharmaceutical treatments have been the standard of care for individuals on the autism spectrum. However, thanks to new developments in cannabis research, medical marijuana is emerging as a safe, effective, and viable option for children and adults with autism and anxiety.

Continue reading to learn more about these findings and the therapeutic effects of cannabis for autism and anxiety.

The Benefits of Cannabis for Autism

A growing number of individuals on the autism spectrum are turning to cannabis and CBD-rich products as an alternative to pharmaceutical therapies. This especially true for families with children on the spectrum, who are in search of a more accessible and affordable option, with fewer side effects.

Fortunately, there is a considerable amount of research that supports the benefits of cannabis for autism.

In fact, a study published in The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders examined the effects of CBD on 60 children on the autism spectrum and found that medical marijuana improved behavioral outbursts in 61% of participants.

What’s more, a study published in January 2019, treated 180 patients on the autism spectrum with an oil comprised of 30% CBD and 1.5% THC. Researchers found that the cannabis treatment alleviated maladaptive behaviors and was also safe and well-tolerated.

The Benefits of Cannabis for Anxiety

In many cases, individuals on the autism spectrum also suffer from anxiety.

According to the Interactive Autism Network, approximately 40% of children and up to 50% of adults meet the clinical criteria for an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders, which may include social anxiety, phobia, panic disorder, generalized anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, have traditionally been addressed with heavy pharmaceuticals.

However, numerous clinical trials worldwide have demonstrated that cannabis and CBD are a possible alternative for the treatment of anxiety and maladaptive behaviors. In fact, cannabis for anxiety has been shown to provide symptom relief as well as improve overall quality of life.

Learn More About Cannabis for Autism and Anxiety

If you would like additional information about cannabis for autism and anxiety, please contact Dispensary Works today.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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