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Cannabis for Veterans

Cannabis for Veterans in Maryland

Although medical marijuana is legal in 33 states and DC, veterans are unable to obtain a prescription or recommendation for cannabis through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs health system. This restriction has proven to be especially challenging for the women and men who live in states where cannabis for veterans is legal and could benefit from marijuana’s therapeutic effects.

Continue reading to learn about the VA’s position on cannabis for veterans, and if it’s expected to change anytime in the near future.

What’s the VA’s Stance on Cannabis for Veterans?

When it comes to veterans and marijuana, the Department of Veteran’s Affairs health system does not permit physicians to prescribe or recommend medical marijuana. This is true even in states where medical cannabis is legal and would offer patients an alternative to opioids for chronic pain.

Additionally, a number of veterans have attempted to seek cannabis to treat PTSD and other mental health diagnoses, but have not been successful.

In fact, only in the past few years, has the VA changed its regulations to allow physicians to even discuss cannabis when requested by the patient or when it’s clinically relevant.

How Can Veterans Gain Access to Medical Marijuana?

Due to the VA’s stance, many servicemen and women have sought written recommendations from medical marijuana doctors outside of the organization. Doing so helps patients legally gain access to cannabis, but requires them to pay out of pocket. As a result, they often have difficulty keeping up with this added expense.

What’s more, individuals who get opioids through the VA risk losing their prescriptions in the event that they are screened and test positive for marijuana.

Can Veterans Expect VA Regulations to Change Anytime Soon?

Rep. Luis Correa, D-Calif., and Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La introduced a bill called the VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2019 to compel the VA to conduct research on the effects of medicinal cannabis on veterans diagnosed with chronic pain and PTSD. Introduced in the House, the proposed legislation has more than 60 sponsors, including five Republicans.

There have been several other bills introduced in Congress to increase veterans’ access to medical marijuana in states where it is legal. However, many believe that it would take federal legalization of cannabis for the VA to change its position on veterans and cannabis use.

Learn More About the Benefits of Cannabis for Veterans

If you would like to learn more about the therapeutic effects of medical marijuana Maryland, please contact Dispensary Works today.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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