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7 Cannabis Strains That Don’t Induce Hunger

Medical Cannabis Strains Maryland

Will it make me hungry? This is a common question many women and men ask when considering the effects of different cannabis strains.

Because the compound THC typically stimulates both euphoria and hunger, you may wish to select a strain with a high CBD and low THC profile. Additionally, a high THCV sativa strain may actually curb appetite, while allowing you to feel full of energy.

Continue reading to for 7 cannabis strains that don’t induce hunger.

High-CBD Strains

1. Harle-Tsu (Hybrid)

This hybrid combines, Harlequin and Sour Tsunami, and has a high CBD and low THC profile. It’s an excellent strain for those that want to feel calm, without subsequent munchies.

2. Canna-Tsu (Hybrid)

If you’re looking for a cannabis strain that doesn’t induce hunger, you may want to try Canna-Tsu. While you may experience an improved mood, increased focus, and decreased GI upset, you’ll be free from food cravings.

3. Cannatonic (Hybrid)

Cannatonic is a high CBD strain known to promote physical relaxation and concentration, with little to no hunger pangs.

4. Remedy (Indica)

An indica cross between Cannatonic and Afghan Skunk, Remedy boasts an extremely low THC content, which means you’ll be able to say no to snacks. In addition, consumption of this cannabis strain produces tranquility and possesses analgesic and anti-anxiolytic qualities.

5. MediHaze (Sativa)

Although MediHaze is typically equal parts THC and CBD, it is one of the sativa cannabis strains that doesn’t induce hunger. Rather, it will increase clarity and energy.

High THCV Sativa Strains

6. Durban Poison (Sativa)

For cannabis users that want to keep their mind off food and maintain focus and productivity, this high THCV sativa strain is an ideal option.

7. Power Plant (Sativa)

One of the key benefits of Power Plant is that it will leave you feeling positive and uplifted, without packing on the pounds.

Learn More About Cannabis Strains That Won’t Make You Hungry

If you’re interested in learning which cannabis strains don’t induce hunger, contact Dispensary Works today and speak to one of our knowledgeable and experienced budtenders.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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