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CBD (Cannabidiol) and Its Effect on the Brain

Medical Cannabis Maryland

CBD is known to have a number of therapeutic benefits for a variety of medical conditions, including epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. In order to better understand CBD’s medicinal properties, it’s important to be aware of how the compound interacts with neural receptors.

Continue reading to learn all about CBD and its effect on the brain.

What is CBD?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis flower. While it does not possess psychoactive properties like THC, CBD does act on the brain to produce physical and psychological effects.

In fact, cannabidiol has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with several neurological conditions.

How Does Cannabidiol Affect the Brain?

CBD can to bind to and, fully or partially, activate certain receptors in the brain. At the same time, it also serves as an antagonist to other receptors.

Accordingly, cannabidiol can enhance or block cellular activity and become a useful tool, much like prescription medication, in treating anxiety, depression, pain, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Cannabidiol and Its Effect on the Brain

CBD’s ability to partially activate HT1A serotonin receptors allows it to help alleviate depression and anxiety. It also produces anxiolytic effects by affecting resting cerebral regional blood flow (rCBF) in the brain.

In addition, CBD can act as an indirect modulator of opioid receptors in the brain, making it a viable non-narcotic alternative for chronic pain. CBD’s analgesic effects are also linked to its activation of CB1 receptors.

CBD’s interaction with dopamine receptors may also explain why the compound is often used to treat Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia.

Finally, cannabidiol’s positive effects on epilepsy and pain may be linked to its activation and desensitization of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV) receptors.

Learn More About CBD and Its Effect on the Brain

For additional information on the therapeutic benefits of CBD, please contact Dispensary Works today.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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