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Does Weed Cause Bad Breath?

If you’ve ever realized that your breath smells unpleasant after smoking marijuana, you’re not alone. This odor, known as halitosis, is a common side effect of marijuana use. It occurs because THC, the active compound in cannabis, reduces saliva production, leading to dryness in the mouth.

Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health by neutralizing acids, eliminating bacteria, preventing gum disease, promoting dental hygiene, and ensuring fresh breath. When saliva production decreases, halitosis can develop due to inadequate moisture in the mouth.

Let’s delve into how THC affects saliva production and explore ways to prevent halitosis without necessarily reducing your cannabis consumption.

The Link Between Marijuana and Bad Breath

THC, a primary cannabinoid found in cannabis, is responsible for inducing xerostomia. Typically called “cotton mouth” or “weed breath”,  it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and binds to cannabinoid receptors in the submandibular glands of the mouth, reducing saliva production.

CBD, another significant cannabinoid in cannabis, may also lead to temporary xerostomia. A 2021 study examining CBD use found that 11% of participants experienced dry mouth due to CBD products.

Reduced saliva flow due to cannabis use can increase the risk of dental issues such as cavities, plaque buildup, and gum problems. Saliva plays a vital role in maintaining oral health by regulating pH levels and suppressing bacterial growth. When saliva production decreases significantly, bad breath often ensues.

Marijuana smoke can worsen bad breath, similar to the effects seen in cigarette smokers, leading to what’s commonly known as “smoker’s breath.” Research indicates that smoking marijuana is associated with a higher risk of gum disease, such as gingivitis, which further contributes to bad breath.

While smoking cannabis can exacerbate bad breath, all THC-containing forms of cannabis can lead to halitosis. Edibles, tinctures, and gummies can also cause dry mouth due to THC’s inhibitory effects on salivary glands. However, orally consumed marijuana takes longer to produce effects as it must be digested before reaching the bloodstream and affecting saliva production.

How to Avoid Bad Breath Without Decreasing Cannabis Usage

Xerostomia is thought to be dependent on dosage, implying that higher levels of cannabis consumption may increase the chances of experiencing dry mouth. Yet, if you’re reluctant to decrease your cannabis intake, there are various strategies you can experiment with to alleviate marijuana-induced bad breath.

Hydrate Wisely

Sipping fluids while using cannabis can help maintain moisture in your mouth. The key is to sip slowly, ensuring your body stays hydrated without the need to consume large quantities of liquid. Opt for water as your best choice. Steer clear of caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee, and energy drinks, as they can decrease saliva production and worsen bad breath.

Avoid Alcohol and Cannabis Mix

Studies indicate that alcohol can also hinder salivary gland function and reduce saliva production, leading to dry mouth. Additionally, alcohol acts as a diuretic, contributing to dehydration and exacerbating dry mouth symptoms.

Some cannabis users combine alcohol and cannabis, a practice known as “crossfading.” Since both substances can worsen dry mouth and bad breath, it’s wise to refrain from mixing them to maintain fresh breath.

Utilize Candy or Mints

Sucking on hard candy or mints stimulates saliva production, keeping your mouth moist. Sugar-free chewing gum containing xylitol can also increase saliva flow.

Sucking and chewing activities engage mouth muscles, promoting saliva production and aiding in freshening breath.

Opt for Alternatives to Smoking

Marijuana smoking can have adverse effects on oral health and worsen bad breath. Consider using edibles, tinctures, or capsules as alternative delivery methods to avoid the lingering smell of cannabis smoke in your mouth.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

After using cannabis, especially through smoking, clean your teeth thoroughly. Keep your smoking equipment, such as pipes and bongs, clean to prevent bacterial buildup and minimize bad breath. Regular flossing and using tongue scrapers can also help prevent bad breath.

Best Marijuana Dispensary in Maryland

Dispensary Works is a Southern Maryland marijuana dispensary committed to providing the best cannabis product to our patients and clients. Our highly trained staff is here to help you select the best cannabis for your particular needs. We are here to guide you as you uncover the world of marijuana. If you want to learn more about who we are and what we do, contact us today!

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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