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Medical Marijuana in Maryland: Are Edibles on Their Way?

Marijuana Edibles Maryland

Most state’s legalization of medical marijuana includes edibles. However, edible cannabis products are currently prohibited in Maryland, Hawaii, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Dakota.

But a new bill seeks to lift this ban in Maryland. So, could edible products soon be on their way to a dispensary near you?

Continue reading to learn about the potential legalization of edible products and what it could mean for medical marijuana in Maryland.

Are Edibles Legal in Maryland?

Medical marijuana dispensaries in Maryland are currently prohibited from selling edibles, and individuals are unable to purchase cannabis in the form of brownies, cookies, gummies, or other food products.

Accordingly, some patients seeking an alternative to smoking are left to prepare baked goods themselves.

In doing so, they must determine the proper dosing of cannabis and deal with associated smells that could alert children or neighbors to their use of medical marijuana.

Will the Edibles Bill Secure a New Option for Using Medical Marijuana Maryland?

Del. Cheryl D. Glenn (D-Baltimore City) is sponsoring a bill to legalize and regulate edible products for medical use. The bill was presented at a Health and Government Operation Committee Hearing the first week in February, but has not been scheduled for a vote.

If passed, the edibles bill would allow medical marijuana dispensaries to sell edibles and the Maryland Cannabis Commission to regulate production and distribution.

Its supporters cite that edible products offer a longer duration of relief (up to 6 hours) compared to smoking or vaping (2 hours), making them an excellent option for patients that require long-term pain relief.

Additionally, regulated edibles could help reduce the possibility of negative side effects from patients overdosing their own baked goods with THC.

Some individuals may also be more comfortable ingesting edible products instead of taking a capsule or smoking.

Addressing Concerns About Edible Products in Maryland

Two concerns about legalizing edibles as an option for medical marijuana Maryland are regulating it as a food product and deterring its appeal to children.

To address these issues, the bill has amended the term “food” to “edible cannabis product,” which would allow edibles to be regulated by the Commission, without involving the Department of Health.

The Maryland Cannabis Commission would also be tasked with regulations that deter use and appeal to children.

To learn more about medical marijuana in Maryland and the various consumption methods, please contact Dispensary Works today.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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