(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd, White Plains, MD

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How COVID-19 Changed Medical Marijuana in Maryland

As the world adapts a new way of life, few may have stopped to realize just how COVID-19 changed medical marijuana in Maryland and beyond.

In fact, this pandemic has prompted a response by medical marijuana dispensaries to change their tactics to make medical marijuana available to those who need it, especially during this tumultuous time in our country’s history.

Overall, the changes have made for a more prosperous and efficient strategic outreach.

Essential Health Service

When the government was deciding which healthcare services were deemed “essential” medical marijuana dispensaries breathed a sigh of relief to see that they made the list.

This is a huge milestone for the millions of people all over the country who rely on medical marijuana to mage their chronic health conditions and crippling symptoms.

Telemedicine, Marijuana and COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic brought with it a call for more telemedicine services in order to maintain patient outreach.

Fortunately, many physicians are now able to conduct cannabis health evaluations so that patients can get the product they need to relieve their distress and discomfort.

Cannabis Sales Are Up During COVID-19

It may come as no surprise that most states have reported record-breaking sales during COVID-19.

Because of this, Dispensary Works, and other dispensaries in Maryland are stocking up on as much product as possible.

Accessibility Changes

Many dispensaries took creative measures such as curbside pickup and delivery for their medical marijuana patients.

This was a creative solution to the danger that a crowded dispensary store could cause during this pandemic.

Learn More About Medical Marijuana in Marijuana

At Dispensary Works, we have been working hard to make medical marijuana accessible to our patients in a healthy and responsible manner.

We have adopted stringent cleaning guidelines for product surfaces and handling and put forward strict guidelines for clients to adhere to when visiting our dispensary.

If you are interested in our services and would like to learn more, contact our Maryland dispensary online or call us at (240)585-5220.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

© 2022 Created by BlueHuki