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Workers’ Comp Bill to Cover Medical Marijuana in Maryland

Medical Marijuana News Maryland

Medical marijuana experienced another win last month. A comp bill to cover medical marijuana in Maryland was passed by the state senate and could go into effect by October 2019.

Find out how this legislation helps protect an injured worker’s right to include medical cannabis in his/her treatment plan as well as the bill’s restrictions.

Here’s what you need to know about workers compensation and medical marijuana in Maryland.

Is Medical Marijuana Covered Under Workers Compensation in Maryland?

S.B. 854, sponsored by Sen. Robert Zirkin, D-Baltimore County, is a bill that was recently passed by the Maryland Senate to require employers and insurers to cover medical marijuana for workers compensation.

This means that workers who are injured on the job or those with occupational illnesses or diseases would be eligible to continue receiving treatment with medical cannabis through workers compensation benefits.

However, this coverage is contingent upon employees using medical cannabis in compliance with Maryland laws and written instructions from a physician who is authorized to prescribe medical marijuana.

Does the Comp Bill Exclude Any Types of Accidents or Injuries?

The comp bill also includes language stating that injuries, compensable hernias, or other work-related illnesses that are the direct result of an employee’s misuse of medical marijuana preclude an individual from workers compensation benefits.

Accordingly, if an individual sustains a workplace injury after taking medical marijuana illegally or inappropriately, employers will not be held responsible for damages.

When Does the Comp Bill to Cover Medical Marijuana in Maryland Take Effect?

The comp bill to cover medical marijuana in Maryland was passed by the Maryland Senate on March 18, 2019. The legislation now needs to be passed in the Maryland House and signed by the governor.

If these two steps are successfully completed, the bill would go into effect October 1, 2019.

To learn more about the benefits of medical marijuana in Maryland, please contact or visit Dispensary Works today!

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(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

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