(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd, White Plains, MD

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How to Become a Medical Marijuana Patient in Maryland

Medical Marijuana Patient Maryland

Many of Americans suffer from debilitating and chronic pain that has not been alleviated by traditional medication and therapies. Fortunately, the state of Maryland has legalized medical marijuana for treatment of certain conditions.

However, in order to obtain medicinal cannabis in Maryland, patients must comply with regulations set forth by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission.

It’s also important to note that Maryland residents cannot obtain a prescription of medical marijuana to be filled at a pharmacy.

Rather, they must receive a medical marijuana patient recommendation from a medical marijuana doctor in Maryland and legally purchase cannabis at a dispensary.

Here are 4 steps to become a medical marijuana patient in Maryland.

#1. Maryland Residency is a Requirement

To start, individuals seeking to become a medical marijuana patient in Maryland must have a valid U.S. photo ID.

They must also be a resident of the state of Maryland.

#2. Before Your Initial Evaluation, Request Necessary Medical Records or Health Documentation

Legitimate medical information is necessary and must be evaluated by a medical marijuana doctor in Maryland.

It aids in the proper diagnosis and recommendation of cannabis as a form of alternative treatment.

#3. Receive a Written Certification From a Medical Marijuana Doctor or Nurse

Patients should develop a long-standing relationship with a doctor or nurse that is licensed to recommend medical marijuana in Maryland.

Based on professional opinion and state regulations, he or she can provide a written certification for medicinal cannabis.

#4. Apply Online to Gain Approval for Maryland’s Medical Marijuana Program

You must complete and submit an online application to the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission for a Maryland medical marijuana card.

An electronic copy of a valid U.S. photo ID and proof of Maryland address OR proof of medical care in the state of Maryland are required.

Once your application has been approved, you must use your commission-issued Patient ID number to purchase medicinal cannabis in 120 days. Otherwise, the certification will become void.

For additional information about becoming a medical marijuana patient in Maryland, please call our office today to schedule an appointment.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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