(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd, White Plains, MD

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Bye Bye Opioids: Why Military Veterans Want Cannabis Instead

Marijuana for Veterans in Maryland

Military veterans everywhere have recently been seeking out the healing benefits that cannabis can provide, especially those who suffer from PTSD.

That is why there has been an increase in medical cannabis as an option for all military veterans who are seeking medical assistance.

How Cannabis Can Help Military Veterans

Cannabis has been found to be extremely effective for individuals who are suffering from pain and other health conditions.

Veterans often suffer from chronic pain due to training and war.

Cannabis has been found to help with pain management in order to bring comfort to those who have fought for our freedoms.

Additionally, cannabis has been found to treat severe conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

For the nearly 20 percent of veterans dealing with PTSD, cannabis can provide some much needed relief.

Federal Obstacles

Unfortunately, due to lack of federal backing for the regulation of cannabis, many veterans are not permitted to acquire cannabis to help treat their symptoms.

In fact, cannabis usage can cause obstacles for military veterans who use cannabis and who are seeking employment.

By making it illegal to recommend cannabis usage for their patients, many doctors are forced to prescribe prescription drugs that can cause lifelong side effects.

Opioids are most commonly prescribed in place of cannabis, this has resulted in overdoses and addiction issues for many years.

There are a handful of states who have legalized cannabis usage.

These states have found that deaths due to opioids have been reduced by almost 20 percent.

Are You One of the Military Veterans Seeking Medical Marijuana?

Fortunately, Maryland military veterans seeking help are able to receive cannabis for medical use.

At Dispensary Works, we are a Southern Maryland medical marijuana provider, committed to providing the best cannabis product to patients as part of their overall health program.

Our staff includes experts in the science and production of cannabis as medicine.

Contact our dispensary online for more information, or call us today 240-585-5220.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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