(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd, White Plains, MD

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Senior Citizens and the Medical Benefits Marijuana Offers

Cannabis for Seniors

There are many factors to consider when discussing senior citizens and the medical benefits marijuana offers them as they age.

In fact, many senior citizens grew up during a time where marijuana usage was legal in the United states.

Marijuana May Be Safer Than Prescription Drugs

There is a misconception floating around that marijuana usage can be an unsafe practice, especially for the old and frail.

An ongoing 30-year study debunks this myth, stating that the average 140-pound person would have to consume an excess of four pounds of marijuana at once in order to reach any sort of toxic level in their system.

In fact, medical marijuana can be a safe and anti-oxidant rich tool to help combat the many common issues that seniors suffer from daily.

Marijuana Ointments

Marijuana infused creams are the perfect solution for the aching joints and muscles that can cause chronic pain over time.

These creams can be great for the aging patient at any time of the day without giving them the added “high” feeling.

Addressing Appetite Loss in Senior Citizens

One of the biggest health risks for senior citizens is appetite loss.

This is why in states where it has been legalized, marijuana can be a great tool to stimulate the desire to eat.

Marijuana can also be used for patients who are suffering from nausea.

CBD Products

For patients who would like the medical benefits of marijuana without the “high” there are many different CBD products which can be used to provide comfort where needed.

For example, CBD oil can be used to stimulate bone growth or to increase mental focus for many patients.

Learn More About Cannabis for Senior Citizens

If you are a senior citizen in Maryland and you are looking for relief, the professionals at Dispensary Works are here to help.

Our staff includes experts in the science and production of cannabis as medicine.

Contact our dispensary online or call us today 240-585-5220 for more information now!

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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