(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd, White Plains, MD

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Terpene Power: The Amazing Medicinal Properties of Cannabis

Terpenes and Medical Marijuana Maryland

Terpenes are organic compounds that bring fragrant flavors and smells to medical marijuana. They also behave synergistically with other cannabis compounds, which explains why products with similar cannabinoid properties produce different physical and psychoactive effects.

To learn more about terpene power and the amazing medicinal properties of cannabis, read on.

Here are 6 amazing therapeutic properties of cannabis terpenes.

1. Myrcene Has Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Properties

In order to better understand terpenes and the amazing medicinal properties of cannabis, look no further than myrcene.

Known for its spicy and herbal aroma, myrcene has the ability to alter permeability of cell membranes and increase or decrease the effects of other terpenes and cannabinoids.

It also produces valuable anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects for a wide-variety of ailments.

2. Linalool Terpenes Alleviate Stress and Anxiety

In addition to generating an enticing lavender scent, linalool is a terpene that reduces stress and anxiety levels. It also serves as an antidepressant, analgesic (pain-relief), antibacterial, anticonvulsant, and anti-tumor agent.

3. Pinene Offers Antimicrobial and Enhanced Mental Reasoning

Alpha and beta are two types of pinene, which is the most common of all the terpenes. You may be familiar with alpha-pinene that is found in pine trees and produces its pine scent.

Pinene’s antibacterial and cognitive capabilities are considered among the amazing medicinal properties of cannabis. In fact, this terpene can combat viruses and bacteria, including MRSA, and improve mental retention and focus.

4. Limonene Treats Gastric Reflux and Ulcers

Limonene gives off a citrus aroma. It can heal mucous cells in the digestive tract and increase absorption of other terpenes.

5. Humulene Combats Cancer Cell Growth

While humulene is often recognized for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and appetite-suppressing qualities, it’s greatest value comes from its ability to fight cancer. More specifically, humulene is able to oxidize cancer cells and slow their growth.

6. Borneol Terpenes Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease

Borneol is not only known to decrease stress and pain, the earthy-scented terpene also serves as an anticoagulant and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Learn More About Terpenes and Their Medicinal Properties

If you would like to learn more about the amazing medicinal properties of cannabis in Maryland, please contact Dispensary Works today.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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