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The 7 Stages of Being High

Few things compare to the sheer relaxation, delight, and bliss that comes from sharing some top-notch cannabis with friends and experiencing that delightful high together. It’s the perfect opportunity to strengthen bonds, unwind, and shed the stress accumulated from a demanding workday or week.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler on this journey or you’re gearing up for your very first trip in the near future, the descriptions listed here will provide fresh perspectives on the THC experience. From euphoria to profound contemplation, these seven stages of extreme intoxication are relatable to all. Embrace the adventure!

Stage 1: What Just Happened?

Just ten seconds ago, you found yourself taking one hit too many from the dragon-shaped bong making its rounds. Your vision blurred, your lungs seared with intensity, and you fought valiantly not to cough (although, inevitably, you did).

At that moment, you couldn’t shake the feeling that your friends were silently judging your fit of coughing, and just five seconds ago, you were pondering the trajectory of your life… until it all changed.

Tetrahydrocannabinol made its way past the blood-brain barrier, snugly nestled into the CB1 receptor, ignited your neurons, and suddenly, you were soaring through a vivid blue dream. One instant you were coughing (and quite well at that), and then, in the blink of an eye, you were simply gone. This stage is called the “What Just Happened?” stage and is argued to be one of the favorite stages.

Stage 2: Euphoria

Euphoria marks the second phase of the cannabis high, typically emerging mere minutes after THC consumption.

During this stage, you’re enveloped in happiness and excitement, your spirits soaring. A wide grin or uncontrollable laughter is always just a heartbeat away. You’re brimming with energy, experiencing a light-headed, giddy sensation.

The urge to dance is irresistible. You might find yourself singing along to your movements, punctuated by occasional laughter or even tears of joy. You feel an overwhelming desire to embrace everyone you encounter, and a sense of invincibility takes hold. You yearn to leap from cliffs, soar into the skies, or drift upon the open sea.

In this moment, you feel capable of anything, as your high guides you through a spectrum of ecstatic emotions.

Stage 3: Deep Thinking

Contemplation takes its place as the third stage in the journey of getting high. During this phase, your thoughts delve deeply into life, love, and all that holds significance. It’s the moment when you start reflecting on your life’s aspirations and the strategies to attain them.

At this juncture, introspection takes center stage as you contemplate the person you aspire to become. Creative ideas and plans take root, and you’re driven to see them through to fruition.

This state of mind can become a valuable asset. By acknowledging and guiding your thoughts, you gain the ability to steer them toward positive outcomes. Some individuals even claim to have discovered their life’s purpose during this very stage.

Stage 4: Slight Paranoia

After a while, you may begin to notice a creeping sense of unease settling in. Paranoia represents one of the less pleasant stages of being high.

You might find yourself fixating on potential problems in your life or harboring fears that something negative is looming. Your thoughts accelerate, and you become engrossed in every minuscule detail, uncertain about what lies ahead.

Perhaps you spot someone gazing in your direction and entertain thoughts of them trying to pilfer your stash. The sound of footsteps behind you makes you jump, and you wonder who it might be. Worries about law enforcement’s proximity may also plague your mind.

Don’t worry! It’s important to recognize that all of these concerns are products of your imagination. None of them hold any real substance, and they tend to dissipate almost as swiftly as they surface.

Stage 5: Did I Already Eat?

One of the quirkiest stages of being high is the insatiable hunger that suddenly strikes. You become acutely aware that you haven’t eaten since breakfast, and thoughts of food gallop into your mind. You find yourself yearning for all kinds of indulgent treats, from pizza to burgers, ice cream, chips, and fried chicken – you’re ready to devour anything in your path.

Some may rediscover their love for sweet treats, ordering up their favorite brownies, candies, and a delectable chocolate cake. Your hunger is so intense; it’s almost as if you haven’t eaten in a week.

For those who typically struggle to consume enough food, this stage is an incredibly welcome one.

Stage 6: Rewind Please

Following a satisfying meal, a sense of relaxation washes over you, and the high begins to wane. There’s certainly no harm in indulging a little more.

Why not roll up a few more joints or grab some additional laced cookies, settle in, and relive those earlier phases? Perhaps a few repeats will enhance your overall enjoyment. While you’re at it, explore new ideas, give your home a makeover, or engage in various activities that are enjoyable while high.

This stage encompasses all the sensations but with a twist. Your body initially feels heavy and lethargic, then reverts to its vibrant, energetic self. It’s as if you just completed a marathon. You experience a delightful blend of weariness and newfound energy.

Stage 7: Satiation

And now, we’ve arrived at the ultimate stage in the realm of being high. It’s that moment when you’re content and brimming with happiness. You sense that you’ve reached your limit, and you’re ready to head home.

This is why they call it reaching the seventh heaven of being high. It’s because, at this pinnacle of satisfaction, you understand that you’ve experienced everything you could ever desire from your cannabis journey.

If you happen to consume a bit too much, drowsiness may creep in. Your eyelids grow heavy, your speech becomes a tad slurred, and your movements slow down. You might even catch yourself drifting off mid-conversation or while attempting to focus on something. Your thoughts start to meander and wane, and concentration becomes elusive.

In such moments, it’s perfectly fine to surrender to the call of restful slumber. A tranquil nap provides an ideal conclusion to your journey, preparing your body for the next day’s tasks.

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Dispensary Works is a Southern Maryland marijuana dispensary committed to providing the best cannabis product to our patients and clients. Our highly trained staff is here to help you select the best cannabis for your particular needs. We are here to guide you as you uncover the world of marijuana. If you want to learn more about who we are and what we do, contact us today!

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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