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Why Vaping Hits You Harder Than Smoking

Vaping Cannabis Maryland

Vaping cannabis is the process of heating the flower or concentrate to a temperature that turns active compounds into vapor. Unlike smoking cannabis, vaping does not involve combustion, which can deplete THC.

For some people, the difference between these two is a matter of personal preference. But others believe that vaporized medical marijuana produces a greater high.

This theory was recently put to the test. Continue reading to learn the study results, and why vaping hits you harder than smoking.

Comparing the Effects of Vaping Cannabis and Smoking Cannabis

A study published in an American Medical Association journal examined the effects of vaping cannabis compared to smoking cannabis.


This study included 17 participants, who each engaged in 6 sessions of cannabis use that lasted 8.5 hours. For 3 of these sessions, they smoked cannabis and for 3 of these sessions they vaped it.


THC concentrations were 0 mg for 1 session of smoking and 1 session of vaping,

10 mg for 1 session of smoking and 1 session of vaping, and 25 mg for 1 session of smoking and 1 session of vaping.


Effects of vaping and smoking cannabis at these 3 concentrations was evaluated by a self-assessment questionnaire, physical tests, cognitive tests, and blood analysis.


At 0 mg, no physical or psychological effects were noted for vaping or smoking. However, at 10 mg and 25 mg, participants reported feeling hungry, sleepy, pleasant, anxious, and paranoid and having a dry mouth. Several experienced vomiting at 25 mg dose.

Why Vaping Hits You Harder Than Smoking

This most noteworthy finding from this study had to do with method of consumption. They discovered that vaping a predetermined dose of cannabis, compared to smoking the same predetermined dose of it, produced greater subjective effects, cognitive and psychomotor impairment, and THC blood concentration.

This tells us that when THC dose is held constant, that vaping is a more efficient delivery system and results in more pronounced drug effects and impairment than traditional smoking.

Ultimately, researchers proposed that lack of combustion is the reason why vaping hits you harder than smoking.

To learn more about different methods of cannabis consumption and why vaping hits you harder than smoking, please contact dispensary works today.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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