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Why Veterans Are Turning to Medical Marijuana

Veterans and Medical Marijuana Maryland

Medical marijuana for veterans is a hot topic of debate. In fact, the House Committee of Veterans’ Affairs is currently considering legislation that would permit V.A. doctors to prescribe medical cannabis, require the V.A. to study the potential benefits of medical marijuana, and protect veteran’s V.A. benefits if they choose to use cannabis in accordance with state law.

So, what is the V.A.’s view on medical marijuana for PTSD? How do former military members feel about cannabis as a treatment option?

Read on to learn more about the controversial topic of medical marijuana for veterans.

Are V.A. Doctors Allowed to Recommend Medical Marijuana for Veterans?

The V.A.’s current position is that there isn’t any evidence supporting the efficacy of medical marijuana as a treatment for PTSD.

Accordingly, veterans seeking cannabis for PTSD are unable to get a written recommendation for medical marijuana – even in states where it is legal.

Despite this stance, 92% of veterans support medical marijuana research, and 83% are in favor of legalizing medical cannabis.

Can Medical Marijuana Treat PTSD?

Research has shown that medical cannabis can activate cannabinoid receptors in the brain to alleviate symptoms associated with PTSD, including anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and nightmares.

One strain that is especially popular among patients with PTSD is OG Kush, which contains 20-24% THC and 2% CBD. This variety of medical cannabis calms the entire body and induces a state of relaxation.

Why Should the V.A. Consider Medical Marijuana as an Alternative Treatment Option?

Presently, the V.A. treats PTSD with a cocktail of prescription antidepressants. These include SSRIs, like Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, and SNRI’s, like Venlafaxine.

However, many patients find that these medications produce undesirable side effects, including irritability, violence, and aggressiveness, and could potentially exacerbate PTSD.

Accordingly, medical marijuana may be a viable alternative for patients who are unable to tolerate traditional PTSD medications.

Learn More About Medical Marijuana for Veterans

If you would like to know more about the therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana for veterans, please contact Dispensary Works today.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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