(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd, White Plains, MD

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What are the Qualifying Conditions for Medical Card in Maryland?

At Dispensary Works we can only accept clients who have been evaluated by a medical marijuana doctor and approved as having one of many qualifying conditions for medical card in Maryland. 

Because of this, many potential clients ask us what exactly these qualifying conditions might be. While we are not medical professionals, we have some insight into frequently accepted conditions. Learn more below.

What is a Qualifying Condition?

The Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) defines a qualifying condition as a condition that can be treated using medical marijuana if it is:

  • Severe
  • Is unable to improve through alternative treatments
  • Is expected to improve through medical marijuana therapy

Chronic Pain

One of the most commonly accepted medical conditions are patients suffering from chronic or extreme pain such as from headaches, or joint pain.


Medical marijuana is believed to stimulate appetite for patients suffering from anorexia nervosa.


Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome refers to weight loss that happens as a result of serious conditions such as HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s disease, and more. Medical marijuana may stimulate appetite and help to stabilize the weight of some of these patients.


Patients suffering from epilepsy often get approved for a medical marijuana card as it is believed to show a positive effect on areas of the body that may control seizures.


Medical marijuana is believed to help relieve pressure in the eye which may worsen glaucoma and even impact the vision of patients dealing with this condition.

Next Steps: Qualifying Conditions for Medical Card in Maryland

At Dispensary Works, we are a Southern Maryland medical marijuana provider committed to providing the best cannabis product to patients as part of their overall health program.

Once you have received your medical marijuana card in Maryland, our highly trained staff is here to help you select the best cannabis for your particular needs and to guide you as you uncover the world of marijuana.

If you would like to learn more about who we are and what we do, feel free to visit our website, or contact us today at 240-585-5220.

Contact Info

(240) 585-5220

10766 Demarr Rd
White Plains, MD 20695

9am – 10pm M-Sat
12pm – 6pm   Sun

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